Contact Information

9204 Corralitos Ave.
El Paso, TX 79907

Hours: 24hrs

Local: (915) 400‑8386
Toll Free: (888) 902‑0973


Company Information

Federal MC Authority: 1629363
Established in: 2006
Company Desc: Honest, Dependable, Efficient and Productive Started in El Paso, TX in 2006, FS LOGISTICS LLC branched out with our customers now shipping heavy machinery, industrial, construction, farming & agriculture equipment and supplies in all 50 states. Our corporate office locations are in El Paso,
Central Dispatch Certified
Received Ratings:
May 2024
Member Since:
* Ratings score is based on ratings given by carriers on Central Dispatch. A high score typically indicates that this transporter has a good relationship with its carriers.
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